Lo Ta‘amod ‘al Dam Re‘ekha Law, 5758 -1998[1]

Enacted by the Israeli Knesset
on 28 Sivan 5758 (June 22, 1998)

Translated by David Schonberg, Advocate

1. (a)

A person is obliged to proffer assistance, when able to do so without endangering himself or his fellow, to a person who, in close proximity, and following a sudden event, is subject to a serious and immediate danger to his life, his person, or his health.


The Duty of Rescue and to Proffer Assistance


If that person notifies the authorities or calls upon another person who can proffer the required assistance, then he shall be deemed as though he proffered assistance for the purposes of this Law: in this Section, “authorities” – the police, the ambulance services [Magen David Adom], and the fire-fighting services.


2. (a)

The provisions of Section 5 of the Unjust Enrichment Law, 5739-1979,[2] shall apply, notwithstanding that the person providing the benefit acted in accordance with his obligation under Section 1.


Refund of Expenses




The Court may order the party responsible for causing the danger that the rescued person was subject to, including the rescued person himself if he caused the danger, to indemnify the person who proffered Section 1, for reasonable costs and expenses that he incurred.




Save as otherwise provided by Section 2 (a) of this Law the provisions of this Law shall not derogate from the provisions of any other enactment.


of Powers


A person in breach of the provisions of Section 1 of this Law shall be subject to a fine.



The Minister of Justice is charged with the implementation of this Law.




This Law shall come into force upon the expiration of 90 days from the date of its publication [in Reshumot].








Binyamin Netanyahu

Prime Minister

Tzahi Ha-Negbi

Minister of Justice




Ezer Weizmann

President of the State

Dan Tichon

Knesset Speaker





Source: ASSIA – Jewish Medical Ethics
Vol. IV, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 3-4









1. “You shall not stand idly by when your fellow man is in danger of harm” (Leviticus 19:16). Bill and Explanatory Notes published in Bills 2398, 4 Nissan 5755 (April 4, 1995), p. 456; law published in Laws 1670, 6 Tammuz 5758 (June 30, 1998), p. 245.

2. Laws 5739, p. 42.