עקרות דתית


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


Dear Dr. Halperin,

Your name and email was given to me by Rabbi Bernhard of

South Africia.

He suggested that I speak with you regarding my problem.

First to tell you a little about myself which might be helpful to you.

I am 39 yrs. old I have four children. Twin daughters (17 yrs old soon)

and 13 yr old son and a 6 yr old son. For the last 25 months my husband

and I have been trying to conceive again with no success. We have

been shomer shabbos for 3 yrs now and 25 months ago I underwent

a halachic conversion. We've observed family purity since before the

conversion, however the Rabbi suggested that we wait to conceive

until the process was complete. I have seen my OB/GYN regarding

this issue and based on my history, 28 day cycle we think that I am

ovulating before I can go to the mikveh. I don't know for sure, but I

think that I am ovulating on day 11. My husband and I would love to

add to our family as we grow in our observance and would very

much like to try to get pregnant. The one thing that my doctor

said that we haven't done is a histagram (I think that's correct) to see

if there is any blockage. Although he thinks that it has more to do with

when I can get to the mikveh.

Dr. Halperin, is there anything that you could recommend?

Also you might need to know that we live in USA.

I just got my period again today. Thank you for your time and any

help that you might provide.



First you have to confirm the diagnosis of “early ovulation.” (the fact that your cycle is 28 days long usually leads to the conclusion that your ovulation day is day 14 – more or less)

Only after this confirmation you should consider medical treatment to delay ovulation. There are several treatments to consider, and I will be glad to give you more information after the above conformation.


שאלות נוספות

מה אתם מחפשים?

לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית לפרומי בלוף קינץ תתיח לרעח. לת צשחמי צש בליא, מנסוטו צמלח לביקו ננבי, צמוקו בלוקריה.