reconstruction surgery and tattoos


23 באוקטובר 2018

הרב המשיב: הרב ד"ר מרדכי הלפרין


I am 33 years old. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. I am finished with my chemotherapy and I have recently undergone complete bilateral mastectomies. I have chosen to do breast reconstruction with implants. I am finished with that as well and I am now ready for nipple reconstruction. I have the option to tatoo nipples onto the "breast" instead of going through another surgery (skin grafting to construct a nipple…)I have been through a total of 5 surgeries in the last year and I am not physically and psychologically up to going through another surgery right now. I really just want to be finished with this last step and try to look as normal as possible. I know there are halachic issues with tatoos and I was hoping you can help guide me.


You are allowed to go through the tattoo procedure for the nipple reconstruction.

See the Nishmat Avraham (Hebrew- new edition – 2007), Vol. II (Yore-De'a) 180:a3 (pp. 132-133)


שאלות נוספות


My mother, shetikhye, has had Alzheimer's dementia for approximately 10 years and has been in a nursing home for almost 7 years. She has not

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