
מכון שלזינגר לחקר הרפואה על פי ההלכה

participation of a physician in execution of a capital punishment


7 באוגוסט 2015

הרב המשיב: אחר


Shalom uvracha. I am putting together a shiur on the halachic analysis of whether a physician is permitted to participate in a government ordered (fair and appropriate secular court) capital punishment. I have been unable to find any contemporary teshuvot that discuss this, and was hoping you might be able to help.
Kol tuv,


In brief, gentiles are also commanded on a system of justice, and a gentile who violates one of the 7 Noachide commandments can be sentenced with capital punishment. (See details in Rambam Hil. Melachim 9:14)
Thus, a physician would be permitted to participate in such a court ordered capital punishment if there was a witness to the crime. According to some authorities, testimony of relatives and the criminal's own admission also suffice. (See Minchas Chinuch #26, #192 and sources in Frankel Rambam ibid.)
However,  circumstantial evidence alone would not suffice.
Regardless, a Jewish physician may not participate in a government ordered execution of a member of his faith.
Kol Tuv,
Meir Orlian


שאלות נוספות

האכלת חיות מעבדה בפסח

הרב דר' מרדכי הלפרין שלום רב. בנושא כשרות לפסח של כופתיות מזון עכברים וחולדות, בנוגע למרכיבי המזון, אני מבקש לציין את הדברים הבאים: 1. תהליך

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